Brighton Man Charged With Possessing Child Pornography

A Brighton man who works as a schoolteacher was arraigned today for allegedly possessing child pornography on his computer and faces additional charges in another Boston courthouse tomorrow, Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel F. Conley said.

DAVID ETTLINGER (D.O.B. 7/6/77) was arraigned this afternoon in Brighton District Court on two counts of possessing child pornography, a felony punishable by up to five years in state prison.

Assistant District Attorney David Deakin, chief of Conley’s Family Protection and Sexual Assault Bureau, recommended that he be held on $250,000 cash bail; Judge Franco Gobourne set bail at $10,000 on this case and ordered him held without bail on a related warrant out of West Roxbury District Court.

“Child pornography documents and memorializes child sexual abuse, one of the cruelest and most disturbing offenses we prosecute,” Conley said. “Those who possess it are supporting the rape and exploitation of innocents who are helpless to defend themselves. Those who create it – as the evidence suggests this defendant did – victimize those children not just once but over and over again every time it’s viewed, shared, and transmitted.”

Ettlinger was arrested at his Commonwealth Avenue home early this morning by Massachusetts State Police after the execution of a search warrant. That warrant, issued amid an ongoing federal investigation, led to the recovery of multiple image files depicting children under 18 in sexualized contexts.

Among those files were images of a girl whose identity is known to investigators. Prosecutors say she was a family friend and not a student. That child was about 12 years old at the time the images were created, and Ettlinger is expected to be arraigned tomorrow in West Roxbury District Court in connection with those files.

At Deakin’s request, Gobourne ordered that Ettlinger have no contact with that child or her family while his case is pending.

Conley’s office has been coordinating on the local investigation with Boston Police, State Police, the Middlesex District Attorney’s office, and the United States Attorney’s office. The investigation remains open and active.

Ettlinger was represented today by attorney Greg L. Johnson.