Most Protesters Receive Pre-Trial Probation; Some Demand Criminal Proceedings

Sixteen men and women arrested at Dewey Square early Saturday morning accepted Suffolk County prosecutors’ offers of pre-trial probation today, with an additional group of eight individuals demanding criminal proceedings in the Boston Municipal Court.

Of those 16 defendants, a dozen were charged with trespassing and resisting arrest. All were male and most were residents of Boston, with one man being homeless and three residing in Brookline, Hanson, and Whitman. In light of their acceptance of responsibility and the passive nature of their resistance to Boston Police, the resisting arrest charges were dismissed and their arraignments were continued for one year.

During that year, the defendants must stay away from Dewey Square, comply with all state laws, and abide by all city ordinances and permitting rules. If they do so, they will not be arraigned and their cases will be dismissed. If they fail to follow those orders, their cases could be put back on track for trial.

Four female defendants were charged with trespassing, unlawful assembly, or disorderly conduct, but not with resisting arrest. Those defendants, all from Boston except one from Cambridge, were placed on six months of pre-trial probation with the same conditions.

The remaining defendants refused pre-trial probation and demanded to be arraigned in the usual fashion. They were:

1. ALEXANDER BRESEE (D.O.B. 6/4/87) of Malden;
2. SYLVAIN ELLIS (D.O.B. 8/7/91) of Boston;
3. STEPHANIE FAIL (D.O.B. 3/26/87) of Saugus;
4. GENEVA FOSTER (D.O.B. 12/27/92) of Malden;
5. DRAKE JONES (D.O.B. 3/16/87) of Boston;
6. JASON MIZULA (D.O.B. 6/21/84) of Boston;
7. ALLISON NEVITT (D.O.B. 12/14/62) of Boston; and
8. ALEXANDER SUAREZ (D.O.B. 10/1/84, with no fixed address.

Assistant District Attorney Ryan Mingo did not recommend d bail for any of those eight defendants but did ask that they be subject to the same conditions of release to which the pre-trial probation defendants were subject; Judge Shannon Frison declined to set those conditions. Those defendants will return to court on Feb. 28.

All of the defendants were represented today by attorney Myoung Joun.